
"Pinot After Dark" Big Sur Vineyard

"Pinot After Dark" Big Sur Vineyard

Many changes occurred in the last 6 months, my apologies for the silence. More on that later. Today, my reason for writing is the Soberanes Fire,...
Ice Ice Ba-be!!

Ice Ice Ba-be!!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin In Japan they call it Kaki Gori ( ka-key-gore-ree ). In Bolivia Shakashaka, Pueto rico  Pirgua (your guess is as goo...
Carmel Christmas Shopping Trajectory

Carmel Christmas Shopping Trajectory

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Today must be THE busiest Friday of 2015. School is out! Christmas is quite literally beating in time with “The Impe...
"Very Berry Good Strawberries"

"Very Berry Good Strawberries"

Friday is my favorite day of the week. Not because it is the end of the working week, you’re kidding me right? (All Mom’s raise your hand if you kn...
Carmel Valley Produce Stand

Carmel Valley Produce Stand

Well, it's April and the produce stand at Hacienda Hay and Feed in Carmel Valley is open for the season!    With working dogs to help unload the...