Organic Indigo,  Indigofera Tinctoria
Organic Indigo,  Indigofera Tinctoria
Organic Indigo,  Indigofera Tinctoria

Organic Indigo, Indigofera Tinctoria

Regular price £36.00 Sale

Indigofera is known for its intense levels of indigotin, with the ability to dye darker shades in fewer dips, speeding up the vat dye process. Beneficial for those dyeing at scale or bulk quantities of yardage and yarn. 

Pigment has a number of applications and can be used in soap making, ink, pastels( oil or chalk) and paint water colour, oil or acrylic. 

For those tempted to grown while Bailiwick Blue doesn't stock seed of this plant, you may be interested to know, Indigofera Tinctoria, is a member of legume or bean family, grows as a shrub, reaching 1-2m in height. Prefers hot, humid climates such as Africa, Indian, South East Asia, and USA,( and a little under glass in Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK)  

Available in three quantities.  Grown & produced in Asia.