Many, many, Thank you’s to everyone for your custom and support in bringing Adored1’s Spring Summer collection to life.
Thank you to the OSA Recruitment Agency and team, for making it possible to debut the new collection in April at the OSA Pop Up Shop, to Peter de Sausmarez for creating the opportunity for the weekly Farmers Market in the beautiful grounds of de Sausmarez Manor
Thank you to; Sasha, Kristine, Hayley and Nikki for modeling and Steven the photographer. All who found time in busy schedules to make the “ADORED1 FEMME” collection visible. It was great fun working with you.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
On posing the question of what sustainability means to each to these gorgeous be-ings, I love the response from Kristine;
Q: What does sustainability mean to you?
A: “To me, sustainability can translate as a harmonious dance between two sources. Sustainable means an energetic exchange which is of mutual agreement and benefit, working within the laws of mother nature, and having an equanimous balance of gifting and receptivity. It’s about living in a way which is of a satisfied abundance whilst at the same time having gratitude for that abundance and giving back equally for what you receive. Sustainability means having a mindful relationship with everything we come into contact, including what we consume, from food, to clothing, to toiletries, to friendships, and even our careers. Ask yourself, is the relationship of mutual benefit? Is it a healthy balance of give and receive? Does it cause me or the ‘other’ harm? Is it one of Mother Nature’s finite resources which is fast running out, being exploited? If you answer yes then it’s not sustainable.”
Q: What changes would you like to see in our environment | world:
A: “More proactivity and action! I hear and see a lot of people getting passionate and riled up about things they’re not happy about, they wish to have changed, but they don’t make the changes they wish to see. If we all walk-the-talk then the world would be a much better place for all of the community and all of humanity.”
Kristine is a "Complementary Health Therapist & Yoga Instructor" for more information see the links below.
For those of you who have just landed here, Adored1 grows Indigo (Pesicaria Tinctoria) in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK. Is alchemist of indigo from plant to pigment also known as "Blue gold" and commonly associated with denim. Adored1 dyes only biodegradable fabrics. Plant (cotton and linen) or protein based (silk and wool) using a natural organic vat recipe to produce the indigo fabrics used within the collections as seen on our website, and as per the mantra “Sustainably Stylish”.
What does sustainability mean to YOU?

Just wanted to say, LOVE your gratitude.
Tan ;)