“Top o' da mornin’ to ya” - It is a doubly lucky day here for us on the
Central Coast- but I’ll get to that a bit later.
On this notably green saints day, where in Ireland a two day festival is
currently kicking off, we are raising our glasses keeping it clean and
leprechaun green.
Sharing three deliciously nutritious green juices that will keep everyone
happy and healthy without the green food coloring. They may even aid in
revitalization of those who over indulge in the festivities!
Leprechaun Lemonade
This really could not be any simpler- and kids of all ages will love it!
This lemonade carries a potent punch of vitamin C with a serious side of
folate & chlorophyl from the kale - I promise, you won't even recognize
the kale there, nor will the small people! For adults, consider adding a
sprinkling of warming cayenne pepper which promotes heart health,
and boost circulation.
- 6 Apples
- 2 whole lemons
- 1 bunch of Lacinato kale stalks
Wash, and press all ingredients through juicer, pour over ice - or not - and serve.
Will refresh 6 small people 3 large.
The Green Glow
Ok- Ladies Listen UP! We all know cucumber has major anti-inflammatory
and cooling properties for puffy eyes, but cucumber is more than just a
soothing green circle. A source of silica and magnesium, precious elements
for maintaining bones. It assists collagen growth and maintenance of skin, too.
Fennel stalks donate a brilliant green color. They contain a notable quota of the
electrolyte potassium, a sensible dose of folate, and minerals which,
chalk up - if you’ll pardon the pun - in the form of calcium, and to a lesser degree
magnesium, manganese, copper and iron all important components for maintaining basic good health.
- 1 large Cucumber
- 2 apples
- 4 or 5 stalks of fennel.
Wash ingredients throughly, blend through juicer, pour over ice, if preferred and
Serves 2 large people 3 small.
The Green Hornet aux Buzz Cafe, Seminyak, Bali

OK so - “My Bad” I could not hold back on this, hence the partially
drained glass… I apologize!! This is one of my all time favorites.
Packed full of vitamin C this Green Hornet is super refreshing, peeks
concentration levels, and assists digestion. It is a true “Pick Me Up”.
This makes an excellent base for a cocktail which I am sure you will
notice from the ingredient list. It is similar to that of a Mojito- and again
unadulterated- a tonic post celebrations!
- 2 Bunches of mint.
- 3 limes & 1 lemon
- Stevia syrup / extract.
- 1 cup of ice cubes
Wash mint thoroughly. Juice 2 limes and 1 lemon
Pop all ingredients including 3rd lime into the blender, add stevia
to taste.
Blend for 60 seconds or until whipped into a froth, and serve.
Serves 2 large people 3 small.
As I mentioned earlier, today is a doubly lucky day, and here is why.
Co-founder and creator of Adored1 celebrates her birthday!
Happy Birthday Rochelle - may the luck of the Irish be always with you
and here’s to your very good health! Love you!
George Over & Out!
If you have any questions or would like to comment- come find us on
Facebook- We love to chat!