Scabiouca "Black Knight" mix with "Cherry Bomb".

Scabiouca "Black Knight" mix with "Cherry Bomb".

Regular price £2.50 Sale


These are amazing blooms, which offer the deepest purple, or vibrant deep pink, (the result of crossing Macedonian Scabious) when fresh, and anything from green, blue or purple when used dry. Find Dried Scarbious Petals here  ready for eco printing and subversive dye pots. 

Bees dote on Scabious  which is likely due to Scabiouca being a member of the honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae).  Dried for store they continue to carry the honey scent. 

A little finicky to start, Scabious enjoy the cold spell prior to germination. Sow into fine soil in the fall or cold stratify in fridge for two weeks or freezer 1 week.  

Support of your choosing will be required to keep these lovelies upright.

A scabious life time depends on care.  If left to own devices, likely they will only last one season. With are they may continue as biannual or perennial  To preserve you scabious outside, recommend good mulch and feed. Prune back dead branches to deter rotting and mould and cover with fleece. I feel its definitely worth a try to keep these loves going. 

Seeds per packet 30 

Grown & Harvest in the Bailiwick of Guernsey, GB.