Matthiola Bicornis
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Bright Shocking pink blooms with a powerful scent at dusk. Perfect for gracing the mid section of your dye garden border.
Grows to 3 ft in height with spread of 30cm / 1ft. Recommend providing support. Grows full to partial sunlight no less than 8 hours.
Continuous collection of flowers will encourage plants to bloom throughout the season.
If grown underglass may continue to produce well into the late fall or if permitted to self seed . Rotational sowing through the season will provide colour for many months. Have new Bicornis emerging and flowering through November. Definitely can with stand a freeze with cover.
If allowed to go full term, Matthiola produces long slim seed pods which once ripe split and shower tiny seeds everywhere, very happily to sow self.
circa 200 seeds per pack ( 6 pods worth)
Grown & Harvested in the Guernsey, Channel Islands UK